
Acknowledgment page graphic depicting gratitude phrases

From where this began to where it is today, I have a few people to thank.

All in the family that have shared stories, photos, family tree information, I appreciate your help and hope to hear more and more as we continue. I think of this as a group effort. The more we contribute, the bigger the gain is for all of us.

Thanks to Mark Holoweiko for the many photos you provided from the Martin Donovan family, including the only known picture of Maurice Donovan (1849-1922). Also, thank you Arlene Henneberry, Jen Heim, Sheila McCarthy Setter, Julie McCarthy Gentz, Linda Conrad, and Sue Harvey for your contributions and help in explaining some of these complicated family ties.

Donovantribe would not exist if not for Sheila McCarthy Setter. The technical aspect of creating a website from nothing is way beyond my skill set. Thank you, Sheila, for the many hours you have contributed so far, and for encouraging me and always being upbeat and positive.

Thank you, Jack Donovan, for the DNA tests you submitted. Someday, sooner rather than later, we will find our ancestors who remained in County Cork and/or other areas of Ireland. As more people test, matches and results will become more refined. I am confident that real leads with sources will come along.

I began compiling my family tree on about two years ago. I have relied heavily on Erin Gentz and Joseph Cahill for the very well-sourced and reliable trees they have been building for a number of years. Nearly all of the documentation and facts I share here came from them, every birth, marriage, obituary, census. Thank you for doing all the heavy lifting.


2 thoughts on “Acknowledgments

  1. Very interesting to see all the inputs for this project. Know it had to take much of your time and talent. Sure it will be enjoyed by all. Thank you. Oorothy McCarthy.

    1. Thanks Dorothy. You have been very helpful with providing photos and memories of your family.
      I am so glad you have enjoyed it.

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